must be a priority
The Daily Courier -- Vernon
July 17, 2007
Opinion -- By: Lorraine Sommerfeld
Like the groups fighting child poverty in this country,
I agree Canada has more than enough resources to support all
of its people. Nobody should be hungry; nobody should be homeless.
And that's not some tossed-off party line - this nation is
Education is paramount to overcoming poverty. Studies have repeatedly
indicated that when women in some of the poorest regions of
the world have access to education and medical care, the first
thing they take control of is their reproductive status. They
get it. They realize they can't possibly lift their children
out of a hopeless future unless they can educate both the children
and themselves.
As a community, we have to make decisions based on what works
for most of us, rather than what we may prefer individually.
We should all want safe, reliable child care for all children
requiring it, whether you have kids or not.
There is nothing to be gained, and everything to be lost, by
ignoring the fact that these are the most malleable years for
a child. Flip on the light and discover future leaders, or slam
shut the door and doom us all.
Go into any kindergarten class and ask the kids what they want
to be when they grow up. They will be bursting with ideas, with
motivation and with promise.
It's easiest, and cheapest, to capitalize on this energy at
this level, yet consistent cycles of social dependency coupled
with ongoing political hand-wringing leech away this potential,
over and over again.
These children are broken as opportunities become snuffed out
one by one. And the leaner and meaner life is at home, the sooner
the idea of being a firefighter or a teacher fades for all but
the hardiest. Having hopes and dreams for your children isn't
We call it ending child poverty, but these children don't live
alone, nor do they live apart from our community. And it's not
just a poverty of money, it's a poverty of hope.
If having a child seems like the most comforting thing you can
do for yourself, or you seriously don't see it as a gigantic
undertaking, the disconnect goes far beyond breakfast programs
and subsidized housing.
So who makes it out? Those who combine personal tenacity with
opportunity created by governments, communities and advocates.
And before you think this is "their" problem, rest
assured; your children are going to marry my children. We need
to take care of all of them.
As a woman, a mother and a taxpayer, I recognize I have a social
responsibility to my community. We all do. But we also bear
a personal responsibility to leave things better than we found
them, to give back more than we take.
There are times we will need support, and times we will be in
a position to give it.
That personal responsibility also demands that we put our children
ahead of ourselves, even if that means not having them in the
first place.
This country is unbelievably rich. It is rich in opportunity,
it is rich in promise. Circumstances can thrust many of us into
an untenable situation with little warning - and more of us
are closer to that tipping point than we care to admit, or realize.
But in a world of things beyond your control, there will be
always be things within it that we can.
"We want public leaders to take responsibility," quotes
one recent report.
What's really required is for everyone to take responsibility,
from the currently disadvantaged to those safely cocooned behind
money, power or denial. |