Petition calls for end to hunger
Prince George Citizen - Canadian Press
June 5, 2007

TORONTO (CP) -- With food bank use on the rise in virtually every community across the country, the Canadian Association of Food Banks has drafted an online petition it hopes will be a clarion call to Ottawa to help end hunger in Canada.

The petition, addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and members of his cabinet including Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Human Resources Minister Monte Solberg, appeals to Canadians to urge the federal government to take action on hunger in honour of National Hunger Awareness Day on Tuesday. Since 1989, food bank use has increased by 99 per cent.

Rather than issuing an appeal for increased funding for food banks, the petition outlines the need for legislative reform, including an affordable housing strategy, expanding investment in child-care spaces and increasing the National Child Benefit to $4,900 each year by 2010.

National Hunger Awareness Day Petition