Provinces to figure out how to create daycare spaces
The Daily News -- Kamloops
March 20, 2007
By: Norma Greenaway
OTTAWA -- The minority Conservative government has done
an about-face on child care and decided to rely on provincial
governments rather than businesses to create a promised 25,000
child-care spaces in the coming fiscal year.
Under the budget plan announced Monday, the provinces and
territories will divvy up $250 million to create the spaces.
Critics dismissed the sum as a drop in the bucket of what
is needed to meet child-care demands in the country....
The $250 million is almost $1 billion less than the provinces
and territories would have received in fiscal 2007-'08 under
agreements they signed with the former Liberal government....
The Conservatives' original plan called for replacing it
with $250 million a year worth of tax incentives and grants
to businesses and other organizations to create spaces.