Child-care providers scrambling after funding cuts
The Vancouver Sun / Burnaby Now
31 Jan 2007
By: Christina Myers
BURNABY - Federal and provincial funding cuts to child care
have left care providers trying to figure out how much more
they'll need to charge parents to stay open.
"We're still reeling from the cuts. We anticipated some
of this, but it's still shocking," said Pat Frouws, executive
director of the SFU Childcare Society....
The SFU Childcare Society's finance committee is in the
process of working out a budget and proposed fee increases,
to be presented to its board in March.
Frouws said the cuts are particularly frustrating considering
the provincial surplus and given some of the spending decisions.
"There's definitely some disgust with how they're spending
the money," she said.
Reid's letter also outlined funding cuts for the Child Care
Resource and Referral Program, which will lead to the closure
of centres in Burnaby, New Westminster and Coquitlam this