Writers adamant about province pulling back on child
care funding
Cariboo Press -- Kelowna Capital News
31 Jan 2007
Letters -- John Ryder, Kelowna
To the editor:
The federal government's $100 per month day care supplement,
though rightly popular with stay-home moms, is pathetically
inadequate in the hands of working parents.
However, our B.C. Liberals have seized upon it as an opportunity
to cut their own programs, such as they are. The letter from
Ms. Linda Reid, our caring Child Care Minister was a treat
to read. (Child Care Subsidy to Remain: Minister, Jan. 12
Capital News). OUC professors should use it as a good example
of political-speak.
She diverts readers' attention brilliantly from the crass
business of withdrawing much-needed day care help from beleaguered
working parents, while showing off her "caring nature" in
explaining that there are no cuts in the Supported Child Program.
How wonderful. No increases though.
She goes on to show that all her child care cuts, although
offset by the federal $100 benefit, are, in fact due to cutbacks
by that same federal government (whose politics she probably
agrees with anyway).
She finally lulls us nicely with smooth references to "flexible
child care that works for B.C. families and is sustainable,"
which probably really means everyone for himself because that
costs least and that's the way we do things round here.
I'd like to know what pills people like Ms. Reid take in
order to sleep at night.