Letters -- By: Enid Elliot, Chairwoman, Victoria Regional Child Care Council.
Times Colonist (Victoria)
16 Jan 2007

Re: "Child-care cuts hurt B.C.'s future," editorial, Jan. 12.

I was delighted that the Times Colonist would be so clear and strong regarding the recent cuts to child care, for they do indeed "hurt BC's future."

A report on child care in our region for Partnerships in Learning and Advocacy for Young Children, a regional coalition of agencies serving young children and their families, found the child-care situation has reached a crisis point.

The issue is complex, as child care depends on an educated work force, licensed spaces and subsidies for parents. Children deserve child-care situations that provide nurturing, safe environments, rich learning opportunities and support to their families. Good child care can support the next step toward school.

Parents in our region have little choice when they look for care for their children.

Figures from last spring suggest that there were fewer than 50 licensed spaces for children under three in the Sooke region, while more than 150 babies had been born in the past year and 3,500 new homes were due to come on the market.

With more than 50 per cent of women with children under three working, where is the care for these babies coming from?

The youngest members of our community deserve an early childhood care and education system that is integrated and well thought out. I echo the editorial's sentiments that "the province should rethink its plans to slash its investment in our children."

I would invite them to begin to develop a thoughtful, non-partisan plan.